How will feedback be provided to students through grades?
DCPS believes that grades are in the service of ongoing learning, to provide timely feedback and personalized instruction, while making a record of growth and development. Student grades will be:
- A measure of skills and knowledge from content taught and learned;
- Based on standards-based evidence of student learning demonstrated in foundational course assignments and assessments;
- Accessible and available for revision and improvement throughout the term; and
- Provided frequently and accurately.
Grades can include:
- Active Participation through listening, speaking, writing, engaging, and/or leading during class discussions or group activities.
- Student Work that practices and applies discrete skills acquired from individual lessons throughout a unit.
- Assessments that are formal evaluations of individual student progress and mastery. Assessments range from traditional tests and quizzes to performance-based tasks that demonstrate student skill and knowledge of an entire unit.
Elementary (K-5)Secondary (6-12)Dismissal