Frequently Asked Questions for Families about the 2020-2021 School Year.

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Will DCPS offer athletics?

On July 16, the DC State Athletic Association announced it has postponed interscholastic athletics in the 2020-21 school year until January 21, due to the ongoing public health crisis. Subject to final approval by the Mayor and DC Health, the DCSAA will resume playing seasons in the winter, with a condensed schedule to allow for the possibility that all sports may have a playing season during the school year.

Elementary (K-5)Secondary (6-12)

How will I hear more from DCPS on operating status and access more information?

You can learn more at DCPSReopenStrong.com that will include information for families and a staff page about SY20-21 or visit DC Public School’s homepage at dcps.dc.gov.

Elementary (K-5)Secondary (6-12)CommunicationsHealth