What supplies will be provided to schools to support social distancing protocols and space modifications?

DCPS central office will help supply the following modifications with the custodial and operational staff at each school supporting with set up and site preparation: 

  • Tents for student arrival and use for outdoor learning if field space allows on school grounds 
  • Stanchions, cones, and barricade ropes for helping staff and students abide by social distancing guidelines during arrival to school 
  • Plexiglass table-top dividers for reception and security areas where staff will have to interact with visitors and families in closer proximity than six feet 
  • Clear screen dividers to separate designated spaces such as the Health Isolation Room and better facilitate social distancing should multiple students with symptoms be directed there at the same time 
  • Six feet spacing disks and floor tape to visualize social distancing for students and staff as they move around the school building 
  • Carpet tiles in classrooms for younger students to help facilitate social distancing 
  • Door jambs to prop open doors whenever students are scheduled to move throughout the building (e.g. arrival, dismissal, transitions) 

Early Childhood (PK3-PK4)Elementary (K-5)Secondary (6-12)HealthOperations

Related question:

How will virtual learning look different in School Year 2020-2021 than in Spring 2020?

In virtual learning, students will feel loved by their school community, challenged by a joyful and rigorous curriculum, and prepared to take the next steps in their learning. We spent the spring and summer working with over 200 teachers and staff to transfer our curriculum to an online learning management system, which will allow for a more user-friendly, efficient and organized approach to virtual learning.

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Elementary (K-5)Secondary (6-12)

What will a student’s schedule look like in the virtual setting?

Pre-Kindergarten 3 and 4 (PK3 and PK4): Short, small bursts of learning and individual learning activities are most effective for our youngest learners. Therefore, the PK3 and PK4 structure of the day will include lessons in small groups focusing on developing a love of learning, and individualized lessons that families can also join. The PK3 and PK4 schedule will also include asynchronous (watch videos on your own at any time) lessons for art, music and other skills so that families can access lessons when it works for their children. PK3 and PK4 students will have live learning and asynchronous lessons for an average total of about 2-3 hours per day.

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Elementary (K-5)Secondary (6-12)

What will my child need to be successful in virtual learning?

All students will need the following items for successful virtual learning:

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Elementary (K-5)Secondary (6-12)