A Capital Commitment: 2023-2028 Strategic Plan
A Letter from the Chancellor
To the DC Public Schools Community,
As the school district for the nation’s capital, DC Public Schools (DCPS) is a leader in education transformation. Our legacy is defined by an unwavering commitment to student success, deep investments in and from our educators, and vital partnerships with our families and community. Over the past 15 years, we have overcome many challenges to chart a path of progress and secure our position as one of the fastest-growing and most forward-thinking urban school districts in the United States.
We recognize that a strong education relies on a solid foundation, which explains our substantial investments in curriculum and instruction. DCPS is proud to implement proven strategies like the science of reading, postsecondary planning and preparation, and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.
In addition to innovation and student-centered methodologies, we have also made significant investments in our most valuable assets—our people. Strategic initiatives such as performance bonuses, professional learning, and advancement opportunities have supported and empowered our educators for the last decade and a half.
Since the founding of America’s first public high school for Black students, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, to current initiatives like Empowering Males of Color (EMOC) and Reign: Empowering Young Women as Leaders, DCPS has worked to address educational disparities and channel resources that elevate and create opportunities for our students. With a particular emphasis on uplifting those students furthest from opportunity, we have consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible. Throughout our history, developing pioneering programs and executing plans with a goal of transformative impact on student outcomes has been priority.
To build upon our rich legacy as the fastest-improving urban school district in the nation, DCPS is excited to leverage the wealth of experience gained over the past 15 years to foster a more inclusive and equitable future. By prioritizing evidence-based practices, uplifting creative approaches, and providing the resources for effective teaching and learning, we will continue to enforce a strong educational framework that prepares our students for lifelong success. With what we have learned, we will continue to use data to drive our decision-making and refine strategies to close gaps for all students.
While our journey is sure to include challenges, we are steadfast in our commitment to our students’ success at DCPS and beyond. This pursuit of excellence requires collective effort and active stakeholder engagement at all levels to ensure that our educational practices are responsive to the needs of our diverse student body and greater community.
As we look to fulfill our five-year Strategic Plan: A Capital Commitment 2023-2028, DCPS remains dedicated to a path forward that ensures every student has the support and resources they need to thrive. Together, we will forge a brighter future for all our students.
In partnership,
Lewis D. Ferebee, Ed.D.
Guiding Principles
Ensure that every school guarantees students reach their full potential through rigorous and joyful learning experiences provided in a nurturing environment.
Every student feels loved, challenged, and prepared to positively influence society and thrive in life.
A Capital Commitment

Read the Full 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan
Download and view the full 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan in English, Spanish, and Amharic.
The Development and Engagement Process
Throughout the fall of 2022, DCPS hosted engagement listening sessions and circulated an online survey that allowed staff, students, families, and community members to reflect on our strengths and where we must grow. We spoke with people from across the District in all 8 wards and published a report about what we heard. Click here to read more about how we engaged our community to shape and develop the new 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan.