Community Service
This page is now archived because it relates to information for a previous school year.
At DCPS, we believe community service is a powerful way for our students to give back to their community and build leadership. Due to health guidance, we recognize that most in-person opportunities are not currently possible. If students elect to participate in face-to-face activities, like serving at local food pantry, we encourage students to follow DC safety protocols by wearing a mask and maintaining a six-foot distance.
We have curated various virtual community service opportunities for students and will continue to add to this list. We encourage students to complete at least 25 hours of community service per year (beginning in the 8th grade). The graduation requirement of 100 hours of community service was waived for 2021 graduates. This may be the case for the class of 2022 as well, but our goal is still to support all students to obtain these hours safely as possible.