School Building Reopening Plans and Readiness Checklists
This page is now archived because it relates to information for a previous school year.
Select an elementary school, education campus, middle school, or high school below to learn more about their reopening building readiness plans. On each page, you can download an operational reopening plan for that school, review the status of its school readiness checklist, and find other health and safety resources for the school community around reopening.
Schools are receiving detailed guidance and intensive technical assistance to guide the development of individualized operational plans prior to reopening.
School principals will lead safety walkthroughs with key members of their community to show first-hand how buildings are ready to welcome back students and staff. Due to social distancing protocols, school building safety walkthroughs are by invitation only.
During building walkthroughs, community members will use a detailed version of the checklist you see online to note their observations on how a school is getting ready to safely reopen and better understand what the reopening operations plan means for students and staff.
To watch building readiness videos for elementary schools and PK-8 education campuses, click here.
Elementary Schools and PK-8 Education Campuses
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Secondary Schools Serving Grades 6-12
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Page updated: January 28, 2021