
Download your “Ready for Pre-K” toolkit today
From the ChancellorEsta carta está disponible en español a continuación. Dear DCPS Pre-K Families, We are excited about the start of the new school year and look forward to welcoming our youngest learners to school this fall! As you prepare for the first day of Pre-K on Thursday, September 1, I am excited to share with you Read more
Thank you for a successful school year!
From the ChancellorThis message was sent to DCPS families from Chancellor Ferebee on June 23, 2022. Esta carta está disponible en español a continuación. Dear DCPS Community, As we celebrate the last days of school, I want to thank every parent, guardian, and family member for helping us achieve a successful school year for our students. Thanks Read more

June at DC Public Schools!
From the ChancellorThis message was sent to DCPS families from Chancellor Ferebee on June 2, 2022. Esta carta está disponible en español a continuación. Dear DCPS Families, The last month of school is always a particularly special time in the school calendar. It offers an opportunity to celebrate all our students’ accomplishments this year, show gratitude for Read more

Mental Health and Community Supports
From the ChancellorThis message was sent to DCPS families from Chancellor Ferebee on May 24, 2022. Esta carta está disponible en español a continuación. Dear DCPS Families, Too often, our city and country must grapple with how to respond to heartbreaking incidents of gun violence. There are no words that can paper over the work that must Read more

Celebrating DCPS Partners
From the ChancellorThis message was sent to DCPS families from Chancellor Ferebee on May 13, 2022. Esta carta está disponible en español a continuación. Dear DCPS Families, This week, we are celebrating our first-ever Partner Appreciation Week, shining a light on the incredible opportunities that our partner organizations provide students every day. In today’s email, I want Read more
Update on School Health and Safety Measures
From the ChancellorThis message was sent to DCPS families from Chancellor Ferebee on February 11, 2022. Esta carta está disponible en español a continuación. Dear DCPS Families, Thank you to our school community for your partnership in limiting the spread of COVID-19 in our schools. Today, I want to share three updates for our families on our Read more
Introducing Test to Stay Pilot for Pre-K Classrooms
From the ChancellorAs part of our weekly testing program, we are implementing a test-to-stay pilot program for Pre-K students. Test to Stay for Pre-K classrooms will go into effect should a student test positive through the required weekly testing each Sunday.

The Power of a Vaccine
From the ChancellorThis post is an email sent by Chancellor Ferebee to the DCPS community on December 3, 2021. Esta carta está disponible en español a continuación. Dear DCPS Families, This week, our very own Kimball Elementary School had a few guests stop by to talk about the importance of the COVID-19 vaccines: former President Barack Obama Read more
COVID-19 Vaccination for Ages 5+
From the ChancellorThis post is an email sent by Chancellor Ferebee to the DCPS community on November 4, 2021. Esta carta está disponible en español a continuación. Dear DCPS Families, The COVID-19 vaccine is the best way for us to help stop the spread of the virus and keep our community safe. This week, the Centers for Disease Read more

The Power of a Vaccine
From the ChancellorThis post is an email sent by Chancellor Ferebee to the DCPS community on December 3, 2021. Esta carta está disponible en español a continuación. Dear DCPS Families, This week, our very own Kimball Elementary School had a few guests stop by to talk about the importance of the COVID-19 vaccines: former President Barack Obama Read more