COVID-19 Response Protocol
This page is now archived because it relates to information for a previous school year.
Starting Wednesday, March 16, and consistent with the latest health guidance and the current low levels in DC, masks will be optional for students, staff, and visitors in DC Public Schools, DCPS offices, and on OSSE-DOT transportation. Read more here.
Through the DCPS COVID-19 Response Protocol, every staff member will be trained to confidentially report potential exposure in a school building. If there are any confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported to DCPS by a student, family, or staff member — DCPS will follow DC Health’s COVID reporting criteria — for contact tracing purposes.

How Cases are Reported at School (updated January 2022)
Per DCPS’ COVID-19 Response Protocol, notices of reported positive cases are shared with a school community if a person has been in the building during their infectious period.
To expedite notifications of positive reported cases at schools, close contact notifications are sent to all students and staff in the classroom of a positive reported case if more detailed contact tracing cannot be completed expediently.
Community notifications (see below) are now modified to note the total number of new cases reported within a school building and will be sent Sunday through Friday, except for school holidays. Individual community notices are available here.

Frequently Asked Questions
Please use this list of frequently asked questions to help you better understand what happens when there is a positive reported case of COVID-19 at school.
COVID-19 Response Town Halls
updated: January 16, 2022