In-Person Learning Family Guide
This page is archived because it relates to a previous school year.

We are excited that your student is participating in DCPS in-person learning this school year.
Term 3 begins on Monday, February 1, and Term 4 begins on April 19, and every school will offer a range of in-person learning options and services for students. This includes In-Person Learning (IPL) Classrooms with teachers, CARE Classrooms or tutoring services with staff facilitators, and self-contained classrooms for special education students.
You can learn more about the in-person learning models being offered at schools in our Term 3 section of this website and the Term 4 section.
Arrival & Dismissal
Your school will provide student arrival and dismissal time information.
Before heading to school, please ensure you complete the first two steps of the Ask Ask Look protocol at home. Upon arrival, students will use hand sanitizer, receive a mask (if not already wearing one), and complete the “look” step of the screening (including temperature check).
As a reminder, there is no afterschool care. Please be sure to pick up your child on time.
What to Bring
Your child’s school will provide further guidance regarding the use of technology during in-person programming, including those with DCPS-provided devices.
Note for Pre-K and Kindergarten Students
- PK and K students should bring a full change of clothes to keep at school.
- PK students should bring a small sheet, blanket, or pillow to be used during naptime. This will be returned home each week for laundering.
- (optional) A zip-lock bag with small items that will be comforting and reassuring for the child. This can include a small stuffed animal, a family picture, or a small toy (“fidget”) that is meaningful for the child. The child’s name should be on the bag, and the items in the bag will only be used by the child during times when they need comfort or reassurance, especially in the “calming corner.”
Transportation Safety
Students and staff returning to school buildings should commute with care. Our partners at the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and OSSE offer helpful tips to help your child stay healthy and safe as you travel to school. This includes wearing a face covering/mask, using hand sanitizer, and staying 6 feet away from other passengers when possible. Review a school commute visual guide for students and families prepared by DDOT available in English and Spanish. For students that travel by school bus, you can download OSSE’s bus safety kit at this link.
Students riding Metrobus, Metrorail, or DC Circulator should always have their 2020-2021 School Year Kids Ride Free SmarTrip card available from their school. More information about Metro’s rider safety and public health guidance and service hours are available at this link.
Important Documents for Student Participation in In-Person Programming
Families should review and complete the following documents provided to you by your school for students in In-Person Learning (IPL) Classrooms with teachers, CARE Classrooms or tutoring services with staff facilitators, and self-contained classrooms for special education students
Parent / Guardian Signature Required
Select links to view and download documents.
1. Family-School Agreement | Español | 中文 | አማርኛ | updated January 2021
This agreement shares DCPS’s and your commitment to take steps for minimizing exposure to COVID-19 and prioritizes the safety of students and staff at school. Please review in full, sign, and return to your school by or before the 1st day your child attends in-person learning.
2. Daily Screening Tracker | Español | Français | 中文 | Tiếng Việt | አማርኛ | updated April 2021
To minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19 at school, parents are expected to do a daily student health screening called Ask Ask Look. Please ensure you complete the first two steps of the Ask Ask Look protocol at home. Upon arrival, students will use hand sanitizer, receive a mask (if not already wearing one), and complete the “look” step of the screening (including temperature check). You are expected to sign a screening tracker each day that notes these steps were taken each day your child attends in-person learning at school. Please share the signed tracker each day when you arrive.
3. School COVID-19 Testing Consent Forms
RAPID TESTING | Español | Français | 中文 | Tiếng Việt | አማርኛ
ASYMPTOMATIC TESTING | Español | Français | 中文 | Tiếng Việt | አማርኛ | updated April 2021
Testing will be provided to students that have a completed consent form and display symptoms. If this consent is not provided by the family, a COVID-19 test will not be administered even if showing symptoms and will be asked to see a doctor before returning to your child’s classroom.
For Parent / Guardian to Review
Select links to view and download documents.
1. Student Behavior Information | Español | 中文 | አማርኛ
Information on behavior expectations for all students in in person learning at school in a CARE classroom. Includes example consequences for students who do not adhere to behavior expectations.
2. In-Person Attendance FAQ | Español | Français | 中文 | Tiếng Việt | አማርኛ
Understand how attendance will be taken as students may move from learning at home to a classroom.
3. DCPS COVID-19 Testing Explainer | Español | Français | 中文 | Tiếng Việt | አማርኛ | updated April 2021
DCPS follows DC Health Student Testing Guidance that outlines two testing options for students in schools.
4. Travel Reminders for Families and Staff | Español | Amharic (አማርኛ) | French (Français) | Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) | Korean (한국어) | Chinese (中文)
To help limit the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and to protect the health and safety of all children and staff of schools and child development facilities, travel outside of the District, Maryland or Virginia remains discouraged at this time.
5. Accessing Semester 2 Schedule in the Aspen Portal (Grades 6-12) | Español | Français | 中文 | Tiếng Việt | አማርኛ
Second semester schedules for students grades 6-12 will post in Aspen by Tuesday, January 26.
Page updated: April 23, 2021