Resources & Events
This page is now archived because it relates to information to previous school years.
Virtual Events for Parents
To help families focus on learning at home and share information about DCPS’ plans to reopen schools, we hold regular online conversations for families. These events include our ongoing Parent University series, as well as special community information sessions and town halls.
Upcoming Events
Events may take place on Microsoft Teams and will be archived on YouTube to stream afterwards. Please download the Microsoft Teams App on your phone or tablet to participate.
Past Events
Follow the links below to watch replays of #ReopenStrong town halls.
Click here for recent Parent University sessions as well as download materials mentioned during those events. You can also watch replays of Parent University sessions on YouTube.
Watch recent community town halls on Twitter
LIVE: DCPS #ReopenStrong term two information session.
— Mayor Muriel Bowser (@MayorBowser) November 4, 2020
EN VIVO: Actualización sobre el Plan de Reapertura de DCPS para el segundo período en #español. #ReopenStrong
— Mayor Muriel Bowser (@MayorBowser) November 4, 2020
LIVE: DCPS #ReopenStrong term two information session.
— Mayor Muriel Bowser (@MayorBowser) October 28, 2020
Term 2 Community Info Sessions and Town Halls – October 2020
#ReopenStrong Family Town Halls took place between July 22 and July 28. Event videos and presentations are available in English, Spanish and Amharic.